mobile: 60311024


Video Game | Theme Park | Board Game | Dungeons & Dragons | Essay | Music

Video Game

Airport Simulator 2015 @LinkSolutions Games
Responsibilities: Project management, Meeting with Germany distributor, Project quality control, Level design

Tiara Concerto Simulatoin game on Steam, Android and iOS. Varied tasks in the field of aircraft handling at airport and take control of different vehicles. [Link]


Tiara Concerto @火狗工房
Responsibilities: Planning & calculation of loot, alchemy & economy. Miscellaneous systems refinement.

Tiara Concerto Characters adventure by action-oriented combat and musical magic in a Floating-Islands fantasy world. [Link]


Pets Fun House @Linksolutions
Responsibilities: game design, level design and UI design.

Pets Fun House Causual game release on Time management game in taking care of cats and dogs and building the Pets Fun House empire. [download]


Jamzter @Linksolutions
Responsibilities: level design, UI design and web concept design.


Rhythm game on computer. Support importing MIDI as game music and built an internet community for sharing music.


Action Role Playing Game using C++ and DirectX @CityU
Individual Project

Isometric viewed action role playing game. Exercise on DirectX using C++ programming and game programming structure.[see] [download]



Theme Park

Pioneer Indoor Interactive Playground @Jumpin Gym U.S.A.
Responsibilities: Story Outline & Cut Scene Script, Story Content Editor, Quest Design, Hardware Resources Management, Customer Activity Simulator, Mobile Device Design, Virtual Resources Economy, Puzzle Game concept, Battle Content Editor.

Pets Fun House New indoor playground project of live action role play game with latest interactive technology, themed with a juvenile fantasy adventure environment.



Board Game

The Legend of Sanna @Linksolutions
Responsibilities: game design

A card game mainly play with negotiation skill. Players are vassals of fiefs, who form a council to vote for the developments of the state. The player must weight up the biggest benefits for his people and boost his fief into a metropolis.


The Sorcerer's Notes @Linksolutions
Responsibilities: game design

A card game mainly play with negotiation skill. Players are vassals of fiefs, who form a council to vote for the developments of the state. The player must weight up the biggest benefits for his people and boost his fief into a metropolis.


Trees @Linksolutions

Galaxy Invader NGC 4056 @Linksolutions

Fantastic Farming @Linksolutions

The Pet's Fun Day Out @Linksolutions



Dungeons & Dragons

Godiva (D&D v2.0)


這是一個使用D&D v2.0的遊戲設定,遊戲運作了半年。故事中一個森林有怪物出沒,領主懸賞引誘冒險者深入森林取得魔石「露雲林斯」,實際希望有能之士幫忙解開森林內的詛咒……


Tears of Selune (D&D v3.5)




- 夏爾奧 Howel / 帕利克斯 Pericles〔PDF

這是一個使用D&D v3.5的遊戲設定,遊戲運作了一年。故事由每年一度珍貴的魔法材料──珍珠「紗倫娜之淚」將要上水,而為當地領主家族服務、代表該家族和風元素靈結盟的聆風使少女、被水元素靈擄走開始,玩者角色杖義拯救聆風使少女,從而一步一步捲入事件之中……




- 魔法劍弗洛堤 Sword Felorste〔PDF





Non-linear Narrative Game System of Role Play Game

A strong story base RPG has a solid story line and well-written dialog between characters. The gameworld may construct by detail history and culture. Characters are designed in a deeper taste with a relative realistic complete personality. The quests run closely with the main spine story line. To transform this style's to a nonlinear structure; the solid story line may have a tree development and make some option that hard to make decision when consider human nature emotion. Well designed NPC is also a resource to increase the tension of atmosphere when choosing dialog multiple choices. A gameworld may be a large exportable that there's certain freedom to let player go around as his. 〔more...

Study of the narrative structures in RPG.


Criticism of Character Animation in HK

談到動畫的技術運用麥兜並不是特別出色,相較於日本和美國更是略遜一籌,但在香港而言,配合到整個風格和主題,算是很漂亮的一記,繽紛的用色和柔軟的線條都很夾,香港味濃的場景對本土的觀眾更是相當討喜,到處可見能使香港人直接聯想到生活環境的畫面,有別於一般日化的創作。 〔全文

Study the success and others stuffs of 100 % HK made cartoon “Mcdull”.




A Music in fantasy style

From composing to finishing, all done and recorded by myself. [Listen]



mobile: 60311042