mobile: 60311024
Video Game | Theme Park | Board Game | Dungeons & Dragons | Essay | Music
Airport Simulator 2015 @LinkSolutions Games |
Simulatoin game on Steam, Android and iOS. Varied tasks in the field of aircraft handling at airport and take control of different vehicles. [Link] |
Tiara Concerto @火狗工房 |
Characters adventure by action-oriented combat and musical magic in a Floating-Islands fantasy world. [Link] |
Pets Fun House @Linksolutions |
Causual game release on Time management game in taking care of cats and dogs and building the Pets Fun House empire. [download] |
Jamzter @Linksolutions |
Rhythm game on computer. Support importing MIDI as game music and built an internet community for sharing music. |
Action Role Playing Game using C++ and DirectX @CityU |
Isometric viewed action role playing game. Exercise on DirectX using C++ programming and game programming structure.[see] [download] |
Pioneer Indoor Interactive Playground @Jumpin Gym U.S.A. |
New indoor playground project of live action role play game with latest interactive technology, themed with a juvenile fantasy adventure environment. |
The Legend of Sanna @Linksolutions |
A card game mainly play with negotiation skill. Players are vassals of fiefs, who form a council to vote for the developments of the state. The player must weight up the biggest benefits for his people and boost his fief into a metropolis. |
The Sorcerer's Notes @Linksolutions |
A card game mainly play with negotiation skill. Players are vassals of fiefs, who form a council to vote for the developments of the state. The player must weight up the biggest benefits for his people and boost his fief into a metropolis. |
Trees @Linksolutions |
Galaxy Invader NGC 4056 @Linksolutions |
Fantastic Farming @Linksolutions |
The Pet's Fun Day Out @Linksolutions |
Dungeons & Dragons
當藍月升起,海洋的大氣傾倒到地上;當輕風吹過田野,薰衣草為月夜的嘆息欠身;我要告訴你一個故事,我的孫兒。真實與否,你還不會有能力去理解。你還小,世界,對你來說還是像窗外穹蒼下的一隻孤鷹的遙遠。你暫且無法閱讀孤單的君王,眼裏反映那透明的色彩。當牠的影子掠過窗花,你只會驚喜的張大口,來表示對牠的崇敬,我的小孫兒。〔全文〕〔全遊戲記錄〕 |
這是一個使用D&D v2.0的遊戲設定,遊戲運作了半年。故事中一個森林有怪物出沒,領主懸賞引誘冒險者深入森林取得魔石「露雲林斯」,實際希望有能之士幫忙解開森林內的詛咒…… |
「……如果你想活下去,最好把你的姓名丟棄。」栗髮男子冷峻地回應,雙手按著膝蓋站起來轉身,收好了彈簧刀,理了理方才被夏爾奧抓亂的頭髮,重新把半長不短的劉海往後束。 夏爾奧憤懣倔強的望住栗髮男子的背側。
「忘掉你的父母、忘掉你的弟妹、忘掉你的莊園吧,你的過去已灰飛煙滅了。你已經在這場火災中死去了。」 |
這是一個使用D&D v3.5的遊戲設定,遊戲運作了一年。故事由每年一度珍貴的魔法材料──珍珠「紗倫娜之淚」將要上水,而為當地領主家族服務、代表該家族和風元素靈結盟的聆風使少女、被水元素靈擄走開始,玩者角色杖義拯救聆風使少女,從而一步一步捲入事件之中…… |
他從王座穩緩的站起來,帶著如迎接老朋友歸來的笑容,凜然俯視一步一步踏上階級的伊絲塔爾。伊絲塔爾甚至用如朝聖的嚴肅神情來仰望他,她拖著染血的拂地衣裙,握緊聖劍弗洛堤。周圍的屍體橫陳,赤紅的地毯,只是讓她昂然抬起的蒼白面龐,和那如蜜般流瀉到腰以下曲長髮更耀眼。弗洛堤在她手中抖動著,散出淡黃的白光暈。她苦澀的笑說。 |
這是一個系統版本待定的遊戲設定,故事始於人類國王膝下共有四兒一女多年和平共處,而眾人皆知將位傳長子,直到國王臨終病重在床昏迷不醒,貴族院開始有聲音反對沉默孤癖的長子繼承王位,而次子愛好自由迴避責任,三子早年投身教會受教廷束縛,么子還在老臣家當騎士待從尚未成年,而要使女兒當上女王並不容於傳統,國家陷於不隱定的局面,眾人各懷鬼胎蠢蠢欲動…… |
A strong story base RPG has a solid story line and well-written dialog between characters. The gameworld may construct by detail history and culture. Characters are designed in a deeper taste with a relative realistic complete personality. The quests run closely with the main spine story line. To transform this style's to a nonlinear structure; the solid story line may have a tree development and make some option that hard to make decision when consider human nature emotion. Well designed NPC is also a resource to increase the tension of atmosphere when choosing dialog multiple choices. A gameworld may be a large exportable that there's certain freedom to let player go around as his. 〔more...〕 Study of the narrative structures in RPG. |
談到動畫的技術運用麥兜並不是特別出色,相較於日本和美國更是略遜一籌,但在香港而言,配合到整個風格和主題,算是很漂亮的一記,繽紛的用色和柔軟的線條都很夾,香港味濃的場景對本土的觀眾更是相當討喜,到處可見能使香港人直接聯想到生活環境的畫面,有別於一般日化的創作。 〔全文〕 Study the success and others stuffs of 100 % HK made cartoon “Mcdull”. |
From composing to finishing, all done and recorded by myself. [Listen] |
mobile: 60311042